3.5. Thought more about this and I was wrong. Much of the reminiscence and introspection in nature are still indie nonsense but the premise and the ending capture and anticipate post-2008 anxieties and sense of being lost remarkably well.
含泪看完的确是个大悲剧因为她把她最珍贵的人给毁了她也知道是这么回事而且背负了之后二十四年的因这事产生的痛苦完美演绎了什么是彻头彻尾的悲剧she/he knows, she/he bears, and she/he lives with it everyday. Garry 就像是浑浊政治场上最后一点真诚美好的小东西本剧的结尾将重点放在了这个小东西身上牺牲了他就表达了全剧贯穿始终的一个主题:政客都他妈不是东西